Key features
Integra®’s modern, intuitive graphical UX interface and robust design simplifies control room management and provides fast, granular monitoring, configuration, control, alarm management and analytics. Modular design with fully integrated control, configuration and monitoring.
Integra provides unmatched security, stability, speed, scalability, and resilience.
UGL’s Integra Ecosystem Technology Stack
The architecture that powers UGL’s Integra Ecosystem has been designed from the ground up with interoperability, scalability, performance and security at the core of every technical decision made along the way, and with one clear objective – to provide our customers with peace of mind that their investments today are protected from the rapidly changing nature of the technology landscape. This relentless focus on future-proofing the Integra Ecosystem technology stack is being driven by many changes and challenges our industries face, including:
- Changing workforce demographics – the “exodus of experience” and the rise of the “millennials”.
- OT/IT convergence – the impact of new technologies, the need for broader system connectedness, and the desire for cybersecure “anywhere, anytime, any device” access to critical information.
- Artificial intelligence – the positive impact that embedded, and augmented intelligence, is having on operator effectiveness, enabling previously unattainable outcomes in advanced and automated process control, real-time guided operator assistance, and predictive asset management.
- Field device proliferation – the increasingly cost-effective nature of data loggers, sensors, and more broadly, “connected things” underpinning the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon.
- Economic volatility – the impacts of fluxing economic conditions means that our customers – especially governments investing in public utilities, such as transport networks and smart cities – need to remain financially agile, to ride the ups and downs of infrastructure investment cycles.
Maximising return on investment (ROI) for Capital Intensive Projects
UGL’s Integra Ecosystem delivers the most flexible, scalable and extensible platform upon which any Operations Management Control System (OMCS) can be delivered, and the modular architecture ensures that our customers can always adapt to the changes happening around them – be it in partnership with UGL’s design and engineering experts, or through in-house engineering capabilities.
Integra Ecosystem’s architecture exposes this flexibility through a powerful Application Programming Interface (API), ensuring that system obsolescence becomes a thing of the past. Every capital dollar invested, or maintenance dollar spent on expanding the capabilities of an Integra system will drive more value out of the data and information layer – regardless of whether that data is sourced from the field, or derived from Business Information Systems (BIS) – delivering overall process optimisation, efficiency and operational excellence.
End-to-end Ecosystem Stack
Enabled with partnerships with proven technology vendors to provide a fully integrated system with evolving technologies for continued growth and success.
Integra’s secure ecosystem architecture effortlessly manages over 500,000 SCADA IO points, providing fast, granular monitoring and control.
Unified view
Our user-friendly interface provides operators with an industry-leading experience. With dynamic navigation and multiple viewing options, Integra gives you the data you need quickly and easily, improves workflows and helps reduce human error and downtime, increasing productivity and reducing cost.
The system is designed with the single pane of glass concept where you can manage data from multiple sub-systems like TMCS (traffic, electronic signage etc.), PMCS (lighting, ventilation, etc.) as well as interfacing to protocols on a single UI.
Digital/ technology partnership
The system is designed with a proven international digital partner who are experts at IT digital transformations and product development, over $2B+ value created and with 700 IT-centric engineers whom are fully integrated as an extension of UGL’s team.
- Ecommerce
- enterprise gaming
- BOTs & assistance
- block chain
- cross platform
- smart TV apps
- wearables
- predictive maintenance
- mobile apps
- IoT
- machine learning
- big data
- cloud
- virtual reality
- augmented reality
Enterprise historian
The system is provisioned with an enterprise level data historian by a leading mission critical international software provider with an market value of $4.5B based in Bedford, Massachusetts, which means continual improvements and guaranteed stability.
- aspenOne Infoplus.21 is a historian and a database engine (i.e. like Oracle, SQL) by a leading mission critical software provider Aspen Technology (AspenTech).
- AspenTech engages in provision of solutions for mission critical applications in chemicals, energy, oil, gas, engineering and construction industries.
- Aspen Infoplus.21 Historian is widely regarded internationally amongst the top 3 enterprise historians, with the enterprise players being OSISoft PI, Aspentech Infoplus.21, GE Proficy Historian, Wonderware, and Canary Labs Historian.
- Every 3–5 years, UGL does a market assessment/ evaluation of the effectiveness of the aspenOne historian with the other enterprise players, and the conclusion was convincing in AspenTech’s favour as a historian.
- AspenTech continually improves its offering every quarter with releases, and also acquisitions to enhance their portfolio.